
The Next Tier Group of Companies engages in real estate investment with a focus on Data Center & Mission Critical assets, Mixed Use assets, Live/Work/Play developments, capital restructuring and secondary debt market acquisitions.

We undertake these activities within a Private Equity platform that values attention to detail, innovative approaches and collaborative problem solving to provide tailored solutions to each situation we encounter.


  • We look to apply our investment and lending approach to unlock intrinsic value. Drawing on our substantial base of experience as lenders, investors, owner–operators and borrowers we confidently navigate the areas of capital markets, repositioning and restructuring, operations and asset management.

  • We look for situations where the introduction of innovative approaches, relevant expertise and precisely calibrated debt or equity capital can provide entrée to a significant opportunity.

  • We look for the potential to create / stabilize / capture / unlock / enhance substantial additional value by providing specifically tailored and cost-effective investment and financing solutions.


  • We look to properly identify and measure risk and recognize inherent limitations in the nature and level of such measurements.

  • We look to firmly grasp the elements of perceived risk vs. real risk; such elements guide our approach.

  • We look to manage down those risks we can contain and plan for, before we manage up returns.


  • We look to match our focused asset management approach to the risk elements, value preservation and value enhancement strategies identified with each investment opportunity we address.

  • We look to create a seamless continuum of management services from Property Management to Asset Management to Portfolio and Investment Management that establishes the most direct connection from capital source to real estate asset.